The Reggiana is an autocthonous bovine of Northern Italy, currently it’s exclusive aptitude is to produce milk that will be used for transformation in Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese. The breed preserves excellent reproductive, rusticity performances and a good quality of meat produced by the fatted cows ad animals that have to be butchered.
Mora Romagnola pigs are easy to recognize thanks their dark-brown coat, almost black, the unusual almond shape of their eyes and the very long tusks of the males, which makes them look more like boars than pigs. Like many heritage breeds, they are energetic, predisposed to fattening and very hardy, making them ideal for farming outdoors. With the spread of industrial pig farms, the breed has been almost completely abandoned because of its slow growth.
Holstein Friesians (often shortened as holsteins) are a breed of cattle known today as the world’s highest-production dairy animals. Originating in Europe, Friesians were bred in what is now the Netherlands and more specifically in the two northern provinces of North Holland and Friesland, and northern Germany, more specifically what is now Schleswig-Holstein Germany.
Sheep’s milk has more fat and protein than cow’s milk. It is richer and it generally takes less sheep’s milk to make a pound of cheese than cow’s milk. Cheese made with sheep’s milk tends to have a nutty and sweet flavor.